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Marine Weather Forecast
FZPQ52 PGUM 130653
Coastal Waters Forecast for WESTERN MICRONESIA
National Weather Service Tiyan GU
453 PM ChST Mon Jan 13 2025
Western Micronesia Waters out to 40 nautical miles
Palau Coastal Waters-
453 PM ChST Mon Jan 13 2025
.TONIGHT...Northeast wind 15 to 25 kt. Wind waves 4 to 6 ft.
Northeast swell 5 to 7 ft and north 3 to 4 ft. Scattered showers.
.TUESDAY...Northeast to east wind 20 to 25 kt. Wind waves 5 to 7 ft.
Northeast swell 6 to 8 ft and north 3 to 4 ft. Numerous showers and
isolated thunderstorms.
.TUESDAY NIGHT...East wind 20 kt. Wind waves 5 ft. Northeast swell
6 to 9 ft and north 3 to 5 ft. Scattered showers and isolated
.WEDNESDAY...East wind 15 to 20 kt. Wind waves 4 to 5 ft. Northeast
swell 7 to 9 ft and north 4 to 5 ft.
.WEDNESDAY NIGHT...East wind 15 to 20 kt. Wind waves 4 to 5 ft.
Northeast swell 6 to 8 ft and north 4 to 5 ft.
.THURSDAY...East wind 15 to 20 kt. Wind waves 4 to 5 ft. Northeast
swell 5 to 8 ft and northeast 3 to 5 ft.
.FRIDAY...Northeast wind 15 to 20 kt. Wind waves 4 to 5 ft.
Northeast swell 5 to 7 ft and north 2 to 4 ft.
.SATURDAY...East wind 15 kt. Wind waves 4 ft. Northeast swell 5 to 7
ft and north 2 to 4 ft. Chance of showers and slight chance of
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